Bringing Together Interdisciplinary Networks of Researchers
Trends in old-age disability
TRENDS is a network of approximately two dozen scholars working to accelerate research on trends in old-age disability and dementia. The network’s most significant activity is an annual in-person meeting where new results are shared and projects are developed. Network members have collaborated on several special issues of journals.
Organizer: Neil Mehta

Longitudinal Studies of Aging in the U.S.
This network of scholars meets annually to discuss emerging survey methodological and measurement issues that cross-cut panel studies funded by the National Institute on Aging.
Organizer: Esther Friedman

Demography of Family Caregiving
This network of scholars encourages research on the implications of changes in the demography of families for caregiving and the wellbeing of older adults and their caregivers.
Organizers: Vicki Freedman and Kira Birditt
Health and Retirement Study (HRS) Partner Studies
This network provides technical assistance to the HRS family of studies abroad, with an emphasis on operational assistance to studies in early stages.
Organizer: David Weir

Previous Networks
Through the years MiCDA has supported networks on a variety of topics related to the demography of aging. Previous networks have focused on early life experiences and health in later life; the impact of the AIDS epidemic around the world; and comparative research on the wellbeing of older adults in the developing world.
MiCDA also seeded a now free-standing network on Life Course Health Dynamics and Disparities.