MiCDA is accelerating research on aging in three signature areas:
- Enriching data infrastructure and methods to promote breakthroughs in the demography of aging
- The changing demography of late-life disability, dementia and family caregiving
- Life course determinants of health and wellbeing in later life and related disparities
MiCDA is an interdisciplinary community of scholars from across the University of Michigan with a shared interest in the demography of aging
See All Affiliates Apply to become a MiCDA affiliate
Associate Research Scientist, Survey Research Center, Institute for Social Research

Assistant Research Scientist, Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research, Institute for Social Research

Research Assistant Professor, Survey Research Center, Institute for Social Research
MiCDA is spurring new research on the demography of aging by sponsoring pilot projects and early career development opportunities

MiCDA is leading national and international networks of scholars addressing pressing scientific and data-related questions on aging
- TRENDS in Old-Age Disability and Dementia
- Longitudinal Studies of Aging in the U.S.
- The Demography of Family Caregiving
- Health and Retirement (HRS) Partner Studies
MiCDA is providing secure and high-performance computing environments to advance research on the demography of aging

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