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Dr. Flaster’s research examines higher education’s role in stratification of life course outcomes.

Dr. Lee’s research focuses on improving inclusivity of research data through addressing sampling and measurement issues in data collection with linguistic and racial minorities as well as hard-to-reach and older populations and cross-cultural survey methodology.

Dr. Si’s research interests lie in cutting-edge methodology development in streams of Bayesian statistics, complex survey inference, missing data imputation, causal inference, and data confidentiality protection with older populations.

Dr. Zhao’s work spans several areas of genomic epidemiology, including gene discovery, gene-environment interaction, epigenomics, transcriptomics, mitochondrial genomics, and risk prediction.

Dr. Pienta’s research focuses on three areas: (1) life course and aging, (2) development of research infrastructure to support social and behavioral health research, and (3) data sharing and reuse behaviors.

Dr. McNally’s research focuses on aging and life course issues and on methodological approaches to the improvement and enhancement of secondary research data. He is currently working on innovative tools and approaches to allow more efficient access to restricted data in a manner that maximizes both efficiency and subject confidentiality. He currently leads the NACDA Program on Aging, a data archive distributing studies on health and the aging life course.

Dr. Levenstein’s research focuses on the evolution of information systems and relationship with firm organization, historical changes in firm competition, information networks, contemporary international cartels, and the design of competition policies for a global economy. She currently directs the Institute for Social Research’s Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR) and serves as a MiCDA Advisory Panel Member.

Dr. Leonard’s areas of research include macro- and micro-level population processes and land-use in the Great Plains, including migration and aging populations and intergenerational transfers. She has also studied the evolution of nomenclature for deaths at older ages and mortality in industrial communities.

Dr. Clarke’s research interests center around the role of neighborhood built environments for health. Using population-based survey data linked to secondary data sources, she has investigated the importance of neighborhood social and built environments for disability, mobility and cognitive function and has identified inequalities by life course social position and residential location. 

Dr. Abramowitz’s research examines the effects of health policies on individuals’ major life decisions and wellbeing. She has studied health insurance and medical out-of-pocket expenditures as well as marriage and fertility. She currently co-directs the Michigan Federal Statistical Research Data Centers.