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Dr. Friedman’s research examines how families and communities facilitate the health and wellbeing of older adults. Much of her recent work focuses on family caregiving, including social support networks of family caregivers, the economic costs of family caregiving, and current and future kin availability for dementia care. Dr. Friedman leads MiCDA’s Network core and Longitudinal Studies on Aging in the U.S. Network.

Dr. McGonagle is a social psychologist with research interests in the areas of survey research methods, health, and well-being. McGonagle’s recent work is on the design and evaluation of data collection protocols to increase retention of panel study members and improve data quality, including the development of respondent contact materials, questionnaire design features, and the use of mixed mode approaches.  Dr. McGonagle serves as an Associate Director of the Panel Study of Income Dynamics (PSID). 

Dr. Zhao’s work spans several areas of genomic epidemiology, including gene discovery, gene-environment interaction, epigenomics, transcriptomics, mitochondrial genomics, and risk prediction.

Dr. Pfeffer’s research focuses on the transmission of socio-economic status across two or more generations in the United States and other industrialized countries. Recent projects have investigated the change in wealth inequality during the Great Recession, the relationship between parents’ wealth and their children’s educational and occupational outcomes (compared both across time and countries), and the transmission of inequality across multiple generations in the United States.

Dr. Ware conducts high throughput statistical analysis of genomic data to study disparities by in psychiatric outcomes by race and sex. She also explores gene-environment interactions as determinants of chronic disease.